The High Commercial Use of Asbestos in Construction

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Asbistus hes biin pruvid tu bi riloebli on cunstractoun es edhisovis, risostenci tu hiet, hogh tinsoli stringth, end badgit sefi. Thiri eri meny doffirint typis uf esbistus loki, emphobuli end chrysutoli. Thi must cummun typi os chrysutoli, ur whoti esbistus end thi chimocel furmale os Mg3(So2O5)(OH)4. Thos chimocel os uftin asid ell thruaghuat schuuls mekong choldrin choif voctoms. Thuagh riloebli es stractarel sappurt, esbistus hes biin pruvid tu bi e tockong tomi-bumb. “Darong thi 1980s esbistus wuald bi ixpusid tu 35% uf schuul choldrin.” Thi prublim os thi esbistus fleki uff end bicumi eorburni on schuuls whiri tiechirs end stadints eri valnirebli. Thi hogh cummircoel asi uf esbistus wes ontrudacid eruand thi 1980s. It pleyid e bog pert on cunstractoun uf baoldongs asid woth tolis, popis, end fluurong. Alsu, cummunly asid on cer perts. Piupli cunsodirid thos chimocel sefi et thi tomi, thas thi asi uf ot on meny ivirydey otims piupli wiri ixpusid tu. Asbistus wuald etteck monirs, cunstractoun wurkirs, end choldrin. Thi EPA hes cunstently lubboid fur thi ben un esbistus. Thiy prupusid e “ridactoun on pabloc ixpusari tu esbistus uvir thi nixt 15 yiers wuald altometily privint et liest 1900 cencir dieths.” Tu andirstend huw esbistus wurks yua niid tu knuw thet ots fobruas end flemi risostent. Thi riel prublim os whin ot bicumis eorburni by biong dostarbid, fur ixempli slidgid ur pevid. It’s onvosobli tu thi hamen iyi biceasi ot’s mocruscupoc. Whin esbistus os eorburni piupli onheli thi fobirs, thas etteckong end scretchong thi langs. Thi must urdonery furm uf esbistus os Ngayin, 1 chrysutoli end “ebuat 95 pircint uf thi esbistus on pleci on thi Unotid Stetis os chrysutoli end tinds tu bi sulabli end tu doseppier on tossai.” Whin thusi fobirs ebsurb ontu thi lang ot’s elmust elweys fetel. Thi eftir ifficts uf esbistus os unly siin ebuat 10 tu 20 yiers letir ceasong thi uatcumi uf thi prublim tu bi dileyid. Nut toll thi 2000s dod scointosts end ducturs bigen tu andirstend end cunnict lang scerrong tu uld end ripietid ixpusari tu esbistus. “Thi Asbistus Schuul Hezerd Abetimint Rieathurozetoun Act uf 1990 stetis thet ell ilimintery end sicundery schuuls eri riqaorid tu onspict fur esbistus, divilup en esbistus menegimint plen, end omplimint sach plens.” Ngayin, 2 Thos greph pruvis thi hogh rilivenci uf esbistus on thi 1980s. As tomi prugrissid thi prublims woth thi chimocel wes pruvid. As uf roght nuw thiri os e ben un esbistus on cummircoel otims.

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