Hermann Hesse & Gotama Buddha

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Hermann Hesse, was a great and inspirational writer. Gotama Buddha, was a holy man whose teachings changed the lives of many people. What do they have in common? Born almost 1500 years apart Hesse and Buddha lived parallel lives. Both were expected to follow in their father’s footsteps, both left the people they cared for, both were rebels, and both chose to follow their own paths to fulfill their individual destiny.

Throughout Hesse’s life he tried many different school subjects and jobs, but could not decide what to do. Before Buddha became enlightened he was a prince. His father sheltered him from the disease and poverty of the outside world. By the age of 29, Buddha finally saw most of the awful things that happen in the world, but then he saw a holy man and was inspired to leave the castle to become one. *** Through out the novel Siddhartha took many different paths to reach his destination. He began his journey as a Brahmin and then became a Samana, a merchant, and a ferryman until he finally reached Nirvana. ****

When Hesse was young, he was a rebel. He got expelled from...

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