Helping Children From Physical And Mental Violence

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Perhaps the most famous social worker from the United States, Jane Addams once said,” This guy is a bastard. He took advantage of my daughter.” Social work allows you to experience many different sides of life; it gives you the opportunity to embrace life to the fullest, and the chance to influence people’s lives for the better. Becoming a Social worker will allow me to get involved with the community and to make a difference. It will shape you into a person that can do anything, and will make a permanent mark on your heart because of the experiences and people you come into contact with. I have faced many challenges throughout my life, but have always been able to manage somehow and rise above them, on the basis of strength and has made me a stronger person. The importance is that I feel I have become self-insured, and can be an asset to the social work profession. As a social worker I will be able to help make other lives better by relating to some of their personal situations, helping kids cope with physical and mental abuse, by providing child protection services. People often benefit from hearing from others who have been in similar situation. As a child I was sexually abused, put in foster care and adopted. Being abused will help me to better relate to children who are going through the same things and I will be able to provide empathy from personal experience. Looking back now I believe this is where I gained my values and beliefs, my foster mom being an important role model. Her influence was the beginning of my need to enter a caring profession, feeling a sense of obligation to support and care for others. As a social worker, I will be able to take kids out of dangerous or abusive situations and place them in a... ... middle of paper ... ...ts from my life experiences have made me understand how I came to develop their beliefs and values, as Crawford and Walker (2003) informs us, " Social workers need to understand their life course development and the role this has had on the values and beliefs that have developed it. According to ethics social workers are to support people in need, and deal with social problems. The experiences have made me the person I am, and using my skills, I believe my personal experience has changed me, makes me more open to new ideas, and even though I am well aware of the past, I have dealt with it, which will allow me to help others overcome the same situations. As a social worker, I will be able to improve the lives of others related to some of their personal situations, helping children from physical and mental violence by providing protective services for children.

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