Helping At-Risk Teenagers

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Some of the best ways to prepare American Teens to become successful adults is within the walls of their own homes and communities. Parents are the primary role models and first teachers to their children; communities help fill in the gaps when parents can’t be there. The reality that must be confronted is that childhood does not last forever. Adolescence is not a process that has a predetermined end date, nor is it a guarantee in this culture that if left to their own devices, teenagers will learn the values and skills they will need to become responsible adults.

It is parents who set boundaries; give of their love, time and encouragement. Although teenagers will make their own choices, a good home life can increase the odds that teens will avoid the pitfalls of adolescence. In particular, a kind, warm, solid relationship with parents who demonstrate respect for their children, show interest in their children’s activities, and set firm boundaries may directly or indirectly deter criminal activity, illegal drug and alcohol use, negative peer pressure, delinquency, sexual promiscuity and low self esteem, Parents have the awesome responsibility to teach their children; some important concepts to teach the youth are how to be a critical thinker and how to reason. By reasoning, we make sense of something and give it meaning in our mind. Once of the challenges youth face is to learn how their emotional life influences their learning. Emotions can assist or hinder learning. Parents can assist their youth is discovering rational thought, the power of sound reasoning and experience non egocentric thinking. If parents value bringing ideas, emotions and will power together as a basis of problem solving and critical thinking, th...

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...curfews as a punitive measure to stop bad behavior. Many of the activities that are associated with at risk youth happen during the late night hours. By limiting when youth can be out on their own, you limit the opportunity for them to commit crime. Also they will be limited to being exposed to seedy nighttime activities, which will have a negative impact on them.


1. Stephens, Gene. "Community Programs Can Help Youths." Opposing Viewpoints: America's Youth. Ed. Roman Espejo. San Diego: Green haven Press, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Western Governors University. 30 Sep. 2009

2. Ward, J. Richard, Jr. "Curfew Laws Can Reduce Teenage Crime and Violence." Opposing Viewpoints: Teens at Risk. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. San Diego: Green haven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Western Governors University. 30 Sep. 2009

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