Harry Potter - The Next Chapter

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Harry looked at me. He looked a little shocked, scared, and sad. Understandably. He had just read a letter from his dead mother. Our dead mother. How odd. I didn’t know how I would tell my living parents… The Grangers. I eventually decided that they didn’t need to know. Whether they know they adopted me or they were obliviated and think I am their daughter, no harm would come to them by my not telling them about this. Harry handed my letter to Ron, who read it as well. “Blimey! So you two, you’re brother and sister? That’s bloody mad!” he exclaimed in his cute, crude, blunt way. “So, you get why you can’t tell anyone, right? Not even your family?” I asked Ron. “’Course, Mione, but you won’t even tell the Grangers?” “Why should I? They’re happy having a magical, muggle-born, daughter.” Silence. I knew they wouldn’t press me on the topic. Harry smiled, “You realize, when Draco calls you a mudblood, we can’t tell him you’re actually a half-blood?” I laughed lightly. “That’s the last of my worries, to be honest.” I remembered that Dumbledore said not to even tell Ron, yet. I gave a little grunt. “Ron, you aren’t supposed to know this, by the way.” Ronald shrugged, smiled at me, and went off to talk to Seamus about something, likely not related to the large paper that was due the next day, and Harry stood up from the deep red armchair he was seated in. We hugged and laughed. This was a feeling I had never experienced. I had been an only child my whole life, and I didn’t even know how I should react or do or say or feel. All I knew was that I was happy, excited, and a bit scared. My biological parents are dead, but they aren’t my real parents. My real parents were still the Grangers, who raised me to be w... ... middle of paper ... ...tier than me. I realized that there was nothing about her to like except for her looks. If Ron liked her, that was why. And if that was why, I maybe I didn’t like Ron anymore. Maybe he’s just like every other guy in this disgusting world, looking for a stupid, hot, blonde girlfriend to parade around on his arm and objectify like a little statue. I sat in the window seat while the sun went below the horizon, as the library slowly became darker and grayer, as the magical candles and lanterns lit themselves when it got to be just too dark to see properly. I sat there just thinking and then not thinking for hours. I heard the bells that meant that it was curfew, so I snuck out of the library and to the astronomy tower to meet Neville, Luna, and Ginny. There I waited, mulling over thoughts of the folded note, Ron, Lavender, my family, and Dumbledore’s Army.

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