Harry Potter Archetype paper

676 Words2 Pages

Harry Potter, in many ways follows the hero journey and archetype. Throughout the book many of his adventures and exploits leave many of the others feeling as if he were a hero. The journey he takes part in is ones that make me feel he's living a hero's journey. Harry was born with many special talents and abilities. The following paragraphs I state my views and how Harry fits the hero archetype and journey.

In many ways Harry Potter fits the hero archetype. A few of the examples are as follows. When Harry was born his life was planned to be one of an ordinary wizard, but due to his parent?s death by Voldemort he was destined to live a normal muggle life with the Dursleys. Also at age ten Harry discovers he was a wizard was a surprise to him not knowing what lay ahead of him. Harry inherited many of James and Lily's traits and skills in the wizarding world, he was soon to face many of the challenges they faced. For example Harry using the flute to memorizing Fluffy to access the chamber bellows chapter sixteen page two hundred seventy five. In chapter three Harry states that when ...

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