Happiness in Literature

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Aldous Huxley Brave New World was published in 1932 depicting a utopian society. The title taken out of Shakespeare the tempest from one of Miranda’s famous quotes “o brave new world”. The story takes place in the year A.F 632 London, in a world were humans are no longer procreated and bearded by women but are generically reproduced along with having predestinated lives replacing the role of God who has also been eliminated along with religion all together eliminating traditional forms of happiness such as culture literature books traditions and morals only to be kept alive by those called savages ,people not part of the new world, in which one salvage named john is introduced to the New world. A world which has found happiness out of sex drugs and anything erotic. A world in which everyone has Identification, stability, and community. Happiness is an aspect of life that can only be obtained uniquely by every individual throughout sacredness and morals.

In the article “Everyone is happy now” by Margaret Atwood an analysis of the book depicts an imminent threat to our future as we approach a society that more than ever have entered into a developed consumerism society along with social gaps widening leaving

the poor behind and the rich to progress similar to the alpha, beta, elision, gamma and delta caste system depicted in the novel. Additionally the vision of Utopia meaning no place, eugenics, healthy place, that also was the creator of many horrific events in history such as Communism and Nazis which both originated from utopian visions asking theses very essential questions Where do people live, eat, wear, sex, child-rearing Who has power, who works?. Atwood continues by comparing two main characters Lenina and john,...

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... uniform happiness that is it really happiness or is it something you must do must you have sex it seems like it as the orgy porgies and how dates go awry and result in the consumption of drugs and sex or can it be found throughout literature religion culture morals values everything that sets you apart as an individual what uniquely makes you not your friend brother neighbor but you happy something you enjoy doing not have to do as a part of your life does mankind really have to go to those extremes in order to find happiness or can one just set itself apart from the rest and unique be happy the time where everyone tried achieving this greed

Utopia is a place where perfection is found but just what is perfection in the eyes of mankind well it varies

Works Cited

Stern, Gerald. "Magnolia." Poets.org. Academy of American Poets, 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.

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