Halloween: Fact or Fiction

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Halloween: Fact or Fiction This story starts on September the 18 2000 on a rather cool evening in Southend, I was walking down this road, and it was long and dark, (it reminded of Nelson Street on a freezing cold morning). I don't know how I came to be walking down this road but I knew I had to do it; it was if my life depended on it, it felt as if a strange force was controlling my every action. I was drawn to this house, it looked like any other house really but I had a feeling, there was something different about it. I went in to the front lounge and sat on the sofa, all of a sudden I was floating in this black void, I was in complete darkness but I could still see my arms and legs, I could here a voice calling, a cold eerie voice but I didn't understand it. The next thing I knew it was 2 hours later and I was still in this house, I got up and noticed that the date on the desk calendar was 31st October 1920, the desk was thick with dust. I had also regained my own movements. I heard a bump behind me, I spun round and saw a book on the floor, it flipped open to a ...

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