2010 Haiti Earthquake

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Earthquakes have afflicted the world since its inception. The sudden release of energy from volcanoes or displacing of earth plates can result in disasters of extreme magnitude. These usually naturally occurring phenomenon have been responsible from wiping out entire towns throughout history and until today continue to produce major loss of life and infrastructure. It can take years for a city or country to recover from a major event of this kind and when a third world country is involved, the result is usually exponentially worse than in a developed country. In the past decades Japan, Chile and Haiti have suffered the devastation an earthquake produces. This document will concentrate in Haiti, a small country in the Caribbean. On January 12, 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed the already battered country of Haiti. This powerful quake killed more than 230,000 people. It displaced more 1.5 million individuals and affected more than 3 million of the population (USAID, 2013). The paper will cover Haiti’s history, its geopolitical conditions prior to the earthquake, major health problems and infrastructure, earthquakes immediate impact, world’s response to the earthquake, major medical issues in the six weeks post earthquake, public health issues after initial impact, and long term health care issues.
Haiti’s History
When Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola in 1492, this was inhabited by the native Tainos who were practically annihilated by the Spanish settlers in the span of twenty-five years. Later, in the 1700's, France established a colony in the western part of the island. Spain decided to cede it to France in 1697. Under the French government, this part of the island became the center of ...

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...ekly Report. (2011). Post-Earthquake Injuries Treated at a Field Hospital --- Haiti, 2010 (59(51)). Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5951a1.htm
Office of the Secretary General’s Special Adviser. (2004). Infrastructure, key statistics, Government of Haiti. Retrieved from http://www.lessonsfromhaiti.org/about-haiti/infrastructure/
O’connor, M. R. (2012). Two Years Later, Haitian Earthquake Death Toll in Dispute. Retrieved from http://www.cjr.org/behind_the_news/one_year_later_haitian_earthqu.php?page=all
USAID. (2013). Haiti. Retrieved from http://www.usaid.gov/where-we-work/latin-american-and-caribbean/haiti
White, S. (Producer). (2010). CBS News Technology & Science [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/health-care-in-haiti-a-battered-system-is-dealt-another-blow-1.974510

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