The Guide To Peer Pressure

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Peer pressure should not be allowed because it may result in bad choices for the person experiencing it. Many kids entering high school, or middle school start experiencing all different kinds of peer pressuring. Whether it is encouraging you to join choir, track, or dance. But, sometimes your friends can be pressuring you to try very dangerous things. For example, drugs, drinking, and dares that lead to very hard consequences.
This is one of the toughest issues a teenageer will face. They feel if they don't do it they are not part of ¨the group" anymore. It's not always someone physically talking to you, and telling you to do it. Some are caused by the media. Society shows us on television, magazines, and advertisements, that this is in. But, is is not the case. Just to be someone they think their friends will love more, or simply to fit in.
One of the main factors that are harsh in the world of bourgeois life, with it's premius placed on appearance, skill, and ambition. According to The New York Times ¨Teenageers, friends, and Bad decisions,¨ Teenageers and peer pressure has a distinct effect on brain signals involving risk and rewarding, helping to explain why young people are most likely to misbehave and take risk when their friends are watching. They start feeling left out, not wanted. But, when they seem to talk about how much fun they are having doing it you can just hear but not relate. This is when they start to give up , and give into the dangerous situations they're friends are doing.
Another example is the book ¨Go ask Alice¨. Alice was once a shy innocent girl who got sucked into the world of drugs because of her need to be accepted. With teenageers feeling alone and no one being there to help them they will do anyt...

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... with guys to dance. Liz felt alone but, soon a guy approached her and started talking. He asked her to go somewhere quiet with him to talk. She said no but, guy kept trying and trying to pressure her to get with her alone. When Liz gave in the gut took her out on the garden where no one could even hear them going out because of the loud music The guy ended up raping Liz and no one came to help her because no one could hear her.”
Think about who your friends are whoever they are you are or will become. You don’t need anyone to tell you how to feel. There is so much more the world has to reveal to you.
“We all must take responsibility for our own actions. What seems like a good idea at the time-or maybe not all that good, but accepted could very well end up coming back to bite you. Then, it will be your problem and no one else’s.”- The Guide To Peer Pressure

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