The Growing Need for Donations to Provide Video Games to Hospitals

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Since before even the 12th century, charities have been established for helping the needs of communities and people around the world. Charities have always been associated with gratitude, and sincerity from the depths of the human heart. Video games and the people who play them, on the other hand, have been distinguished as violent and terrible with no useful purpose in common life. However, multiple studies conducted by universities have shown that video games help people, whether emotionally or physically (Gallagher, 2013, Alternatively, they are also extremely useful in hospital treatments where children must get used to using repaired limbs after surgery. Because of this, hospitals for children have a major demand for consoles like the Wii, and gamers have realized the need for them in medical treatment, so many gamers have created charities to fit the need. Playing video games for Extra Life, donating to Child’s Play, or buying name-your-price video games from the team at Humble Bundle gives gamers a way to do something they love, raise money for great causes, and support those in need at the same time. Since Extra Life, Child’s Play, and the Humble Bundle all have video games in mind, they’re focused on incorporating video games into how they raise money to donate to causes. With Extra Life, the idea is that a team registers to play any sort of game, whether it be digital like an actual video game, physical like a sport, or tabletop like a board game, for 24 hours on an online video stream. In these 24 hours, the team gets friends, family, or bystanders to donate a set amount of money hourly until the end of the event. Child’s Play is a basic... ... middle of paper ... their event, and the Humble Bundle has well-known developers and content authors willing to give their games for the name-your-price system. There should be no doubt in your mind why people should donate to Child’s Play, participate in Extra Life, or buy a bundle from the Humble Bundle. In doing so, they help the community by advancing the health of children, while enjoying something they love: playing video games. Imagine the scenario where someone parks a car on the edge of a skyscraper in GTA V, or breaks the backboard in NBA Jam in order to help a child walk again. Imagine someone buying video games inexpensively while also benefiting to good causes. They’d most likely never get these opportunities anywhere else with any other charity. Do yourself and the world a favor, and pick up the controller and shoot some enemies while saving kids with the same shot.

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