Prosperity Of The 1920s

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The beginning of the 1920s was a period of prosperity for most Americans. “The years between 1920 and 1929 are sometimes known as the “Roaring Twenties” or the “Jazz Age” (Bingham 6). World War I had ended and Americans were looking at an economic boom. “When World War I ended, American soldiers expected to reap the benefits of the productivity and prosperity the war had brought to the United States. But the sudden decrease in demand for the exported food and wartime goods brought on by the war’s end did not result in a corresponding reduction in production levels” (George 14). Americans were buying cars and new products, for example vacuum cleaners and refrigerators that were rolling off the assembly lines. This period in time was also called the “Coolidge Prosperity”, named after President Coolidge who was the U.S. President from 1923 to 1929. There were problems starting to occur during this time but most of the Americans …show more content…

“The buying frenzy continued through mid-1929 in stocks and trusts, with most investors becoming drunk on profits and oblivious to the instability of the market” (George 29). President Coolidge’s presidency was coming to an end and “President Coolidge neither knew nor cared what was going on…he had comforted himself with the thought that this was the primary responsibility of the Federal Reserve Board” (George 26). On October 29, 1929 the stock market crashes sending the United States into an economic depression. The definition of “The Great Depression – this period of high unemployment, poverty, broken families, low profits, and few opportunities for growth and personal advancement – lasted from mid-1929 to late 1941, and its effects struck not only the United States but the entire world” (George 8). The American people were in shock and their lives were all of a sudden turned upside down with lots of uncertainty in their

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