Granny Weatherall's Journey to Accept Her Own Death in Porter's Short Story, The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall is about an older woman who is coming to terms with death, and the losses in her life. Throughout the story, Granny has many memories from her life, including ones about her children and her lovers. Granny thinks that she has accepted death, but realizes that she has not.

Granny Weatherall lives on a farm with her daughter Cornelia and with her daughter’s husband. When a car come down the driveway one day Granny mistakes it for a black horses pulling a black carriage; this image of symbolism foreshadows that death is coming for her. After this incident, Granny decides to make a white cake, something she has not done in years. To make the cake she insists on making fresh butter. To do accomplish this she uses a butter churn; while using the churn it makes a fast spinning sound, but Granny is unable to keep up and is forced to quit. This represents Granny’s life and how at first she could do almost anything, but now towards the end of her life she is slowing down. While helping her daughter plant flowers in the garden, Granny keeps digging deep into th...

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