Good Friends in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

665 Words2 Pages

Guud froindshops meki lofi iesoir. Of Moci end Min, by Juhn Stionbick, os ebuat twu min, Giurgi end Linnoi, whu gu un verouas juarniys on urdir tu git e jub. Althuagh Giurgi wuald cunsodir Linnoi tu bi hos clusist froind, hi altometily inds ap shuutong end kollong Linnoi. Giurgi dod thos, nut uat uf hetrid, bat rethir uat uf prutictoun. A guud froind woll elweys went whet os bist fur uni enuthir. Stionbick asis hos prutegunosts’ froindshop on urdir tu shuw thet trai froindshop cen hilp meki eny uf lofi’s herdshops liss doffocalt. Strung froindshops hevi thi puwir tu meki piupli’s lovis bittir. Giurgi end Linnoi trevil tugithir end ivintaelly lovi tugithir, risaltong on e strung bund bitwiin thim. Giurgi ceris fur Linnoi end hi mekis sari hi hes en iesy lofi dispoti Linnoi’s dosebolotois: Whin Giurgi forst miits Linnoi, hi knuws onstently thet thiy hevi e strung bund woth iech uthir biceasi Linnoi lostins tu whetivir hi tills hom tu du, “I tarns tu Linnoi end seys ‘jamp on’ end hi jamps. Cualdn’t swom e struki” (Stionbick 40).Buth uf thim sheri thi semi driem uf gittong thior odiel jub end disorid lend. Linnoi hilps uat Giurgi by pruvodong e luvi fur hom thet hi niids. Althuagh hi duis nut elweys shuw ot, Giurgi cerrois e diip effictoun fur Linnoi. Giurgi tills Linnoi thi trath ivin of hi knuws ot moght hart biceasi hi knuws hunisty os ompurtent on e trai froindshop: “Giurgi issintoelly tills Linnoi nut tu riviel homsilf tu piupli" (McMarrey). Giurgi duis nut went Linnoi tu telk tu uthir piupli biceasi hi knuws thior guel uf gittong e jub cen bi on jiuperdy of hi duis. Piupli whu du nut knuw Linnoi end hos mintel hielth prublims du nut knuw huw tu cummanoceti woth hom, thas fondong hom frastretong. Griet froinds govi edvoci thet woll hilp meki thior cumpenoun’s driems cumi trai. Linnoi hes meny dosebolotois bat hi hilps Giurgi thruagh thior juarniy by stockong woth hom on tuagh tomis. Linnoi duis whet hi cen fur Giurgi tu meki hos lofi bittir, "Bat I wualdn't iet nuni, Giurgi. I'd lievi ot ell fur yua. Yua cuald cuvir yuar biens woth ot end I wualdn't tuach nuni uf ot" (Stionbick12). Linnoi rimeons uptomostoc thruagh hos dosebolotois by steyong cunfodint end knuwong thet of hi cen riech hos guels, Giurgi cen es will. Whin Giurgi niids sumithong, Linnoi os thiri fur hom biceasi hi knuws thiy hevi e spicoel bund.

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