God’s Divine Creation of the World

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Did God create the world? Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” I do believe that God did create the world and listed below are a few of my contentions:
 There is evidence in the Bible that proves God created the world.
 Science even proves that there was a divine creator present when the world was first designed and when life first appeared on earth.
 There is evidence in the human body and in nature that proves God created the world.
First off, the Bible does state that the world and everything that is of the world was created by God. In the book of Genesis, it states that God created the world in seven days with each day consisting of a new creation. On the first day, God created light “day” and darkness “night.” On the second day, God created a vault that separated the water under the vault from the water above the vault. This vault was called “sky.” On the third day, God created “land” and “sea” and then told the land to bring forth vegetation according to their various kinds. On the fourth day, God created the moon, stars, and the sun, each to govern parts of the day. The moon and the stars govern the night and then the sun governs the day and each gives off light to the earth. On the fifth day, God created creatures to swim in the water and creatures to fly in the sky. On the sixth day, God created livestock and wild animals, each to roam the earth according to their kind. Also, God created man and woman in his own image to rule over all the animals of the earth on this same day. On the seventh day, God saw that everything was good and he rested (Genesis 1: 1 - 31). These were the seven days of creation described in the Bible. When I think about the seven days of creation, I do n...

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