God Eye: The U.S Government's Obsession with its Own People

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The Age of Technology we currently inhabit is one that I truly believe will be reflected upon as the greatest [age] of all time by the time it is over. I say this because of the sheer amount of technological developments we have at our disposal, the revolutionary breakthroughs we have made, and in sheer awe of the of the amount of potential possibilities that we have at our disposal to unlock and grant the future. Although, we are amidst a great age of time, there are still flaws apparent throughout that still continue to linger unwanted by many- myself included. One such flaw that has continued to plague us with its existence is law enforcement’s along with the U.S government’s abrupt favoritism of invading our privacy by utilizing whatever despicable means they have at their disposal to do so. One such mean that law enforcement as well as the government as a whole possess are the cameras they use to watch us: these cameras that track us as if we are only mere dots on a screen, not human beings with any expectance of privacy. Yes, I, for one, believe wholeheartedly that any acts of intrusive surveillance such as that of law enforcement biased, favored usage of cameras upon an individual or populace constitutes a valid offence of the charge known as invasion of privacy.

This old argument of privacy vs. national security is one that many people, I hope, will agree should be in favor of the people. I understand that the times we live are truly turbulent and violent times but that does NOT excuse the government’s apparent overreach of its initial powers and duties just to satisfy its own ego! Privacy is something that we as citizens should not be nor ever expected to sacrifice to any degree, for the nationwide expectance of n...

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...that should just be programmed, line up, follow orders and nothing else. WHAT GIVES THEM THAT RIGHT?! NOTHING! The government truly must do believe that we [the people] have no qualms with being treated as nothing more than prey to be fed to a pack of hounds anxiously awaiting their next meal. Well, I for one, as many I hope, will never endorse that course of action.

Works Cited

Chatterjee, Pratrap. “Big Data: The Greater Good or Invasion of Privacy”.

www.theguardian.com. 12 Mar 2013. 28 Mar 2014.

Long, Edward Vaugham, and Hubert H. Humphrey. "1: UNDECLARED WAR ON PRIVACY." The Intruders. The Invasion of Privacy by Government and Industry. New York: Praeger, 1967. N. pag. Print.

Malone, Paul. “Invasion of privacy for the public good.” www.smh.au. The Sydney Morning Herald, Web 28 Mar. 2014

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