Global Warming Position Paper

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Although some believe that Global Warming has been created due to manmade pollutants, I believe that Global Warming is a natural process that has been accelerated due to the excess emissions of pollutants from nature and manmade devices into the atmosphere. The world has been said to be on a cycle of global warming and cooling, this process can neither be stopped nor prevented, but it can be accelerated with the addition of non-natural emissions from automobiles and factories; because this is a natural process, even if constraints were to be put on the amount of pollutants released into the air global warming could not be prevented—it could only be slowed. When the inevitable happens and global warming occurs, there are many effects that our environment, and world, will receive—these effects can cause many different natural disasters that will affect the lives of humans, animals, and plants.

While the emissions and pollutants from automobiles and factories have been releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the population has been made less aware of the fact that more carbon dioxide is being released and filtered into the atmosphere via natural elemental cycles than any of these “manmade emissions” combined. These elemental cycles continue to filter elements between the earth and the atmosphere, and, during this process, some of the elements are left behind and continue to react with other elements and the sun—this creates reactions that produce greenhouse gasses and other compounds that damage the atmosphere. (Global Warming May Be Nearly Over, (Climate)) While these emissions from the elemental cycles and the excess amount coming from manmade pollutants have increased the speed of the process in which glob...

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...ikely to be the most effected. The damage that would be caused to humans, plants, and animals from global warming could be lowered if the amount of pollutants released is controlled, because if the process of global warming is slowed then it gives scientists, and other researchers, an opportunity to find ways to prevent colossal damage to our environments and habitats—which could, in turn, save numbers of different species from extinction due to the damages caused by natural disasters.

Works Cited

"Nature can, selectively, buffer human-caused global warming." Space Daily 13 Feb. 2014. General OneFile. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

"'Green' issues and process engineering." Process Engineering Spring 1990: 4+. General OneFile. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

"Global warming may be nearly over. (Climate)." USA Today [Magazine] Apr. 2002: 13. General OneFile. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

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