Global Warming

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“The global warming is refers to the global temperature to elevate.”( Philander, S. George, P456). According to Global Warming and Climate Change, nearly 100 for many years, the global average temperature has experienced the cold - warm - cold - warm two fluctuations, generally speaking for trend of escalation. After the 80s, global temperature obvious is rising. What’s the global warming? Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Artics and Antartica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming. It must be realised that human activities are the causes of global warming. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have rose at exponential rates. It is therefore our duty to save the earth. Nowadays global warming is big deal with human especially in Asia, which is much more problems in population, environmental pollution and industrial pollution. The first reason is population because Asia has 40 billions of population and accounts for the world total population 60%. In recently, Asia population grows rapidly in these 100 years. That means population grows up, and people will use much more resource. However, people’s emissions carbon will be a huge number and it will directly lead in the system atmosphere the carbon. It comes into being huge number of the people’s emissions carbon are immediate influence earth's surface climatic change (S. George,P817). As regards, population is the all the time problem of Asia. Secondly, Asia has rich of environment resources, and environmental pollution in Asia still serious problem. Environmental pollution is among factors that may be contributing to global warm... ... middle of paper ... ...scientists from all over the points out, if the global average temperature raised over 2 degrees, global climate change will be self sustaining. At that point, a no longer stable climate will be the nightmare reality for every inhabitant of earth. Although technology will probably play a key part in saving us from catastrophic troubles, one must not forget that it's technology that got us in this trouble in the first place. In using the techniques developed by those advanced geo-physicists, the future of earth is risked more than climate change, as we have witnessed the unintended consequences of altering nature artificially. More importantly, try to use as much green energy sources and products as economic situations allows, especially people in social position, to whom with greater resources lies greater responsibility to use those resources for the greater good.

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