Georgy Zhukov

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In the era of World War Two, there were many influential military figures throughout the globe. Some reaped the benefits of success, and some experienced the bitter taste of defeat. The Soviet Union was one of the victorious countries of this war. Even though many Soviet military officials contributed to this, General Georgy Zhukov was most instrumental to Russian success in World War Two because he designed and implemented many battle strategies that took their opposition by storm.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born on December 1, 1896 to a peasant family. He worked in the fields until he was apprenticed to a furrier at the age of twelve. After completing his apprenticeship in 1912, he entered the fur business, but that was short lived, because Zhukov was conscripted into the army for World War I in 1915. He executed his duties in the cavalry commendably, and was awarded the Cross of St. George twice. He served with the 106th Reserve Cavalry and the 10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment, but his service in World War I ended after he was badly wounded. Soon after, Zhukov joined the Bolshevik Party and enlisted in the Red Army. He remained in the cavalry, serving in the famous 1st Cavalry Army. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for his help in crushing the Tambov Rebellion in 1921. Over time, he steadily grew higher in rank, and was first given command of a cavalry division in 1933. Trouble arose from 1937 to 1939 during Stalin’s purge of the Red Army, but Zhukov avoided it and was chosen to command the First Soviet Mongolian Army Group. His goal was to stop Japanese aggression on the Mongolian-Manchurian border, and through the summer of 1939, the two sides scuffled back and forth, with no real ground gained either way...

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... for taking out the Germans. Zhukov was not only a military leader and Soviet patriot, but a symbol of hope to the entire nation of Russia. He is still remembered as a hero today.

Works Cited

"Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (Soviet Marshal) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. .

"Georgy Zhukov - World War II Georgy Zhukov Biography." Military History - Warfare through the Ages - Battles and Conflicts - Weapons of War - Military Leaders in History. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. .

Schroeder, Jay. "Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov." EHistory at OSU | Welcome to EHistory. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. .

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