Gains in Retention Using The Cornell Note-Taking Method

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A student seeking better retention of material taught in the class-room environment may employ the Cornell note-taking method. With such a method, the three sections of the note-taking outline can aid the student’s retention by improving encoding. For a student to be able to retain oncoming material, they first must be able to encode, as in interpret and internalize, oncoming material (Faber, Morris, & Lieberman, 2000). The note-taking section forces the student to use elaborative rehearsal which helps material reach long-term storage. The cue section uses recoding to deepen the material’s encoding. And the summary section makes the student reprocess what they’ve written down to prolong its retention. As these sections must be filled out separately, the student is expected to return to the notes at least three times in a twenty-four hour period. This immediacy in review may help the student retain the material to a greater extent. Thus, the process can serve as a vantage point for learning with Cornell note-taking as it encourages retention by improving encoding during the process of note-taking and guaranteeing review of the material in a first twenty four hours.
With Cornell note-taking, lecture notes are noted down by the student in a more comprehensive manner which may improve retention. Instead of writing whatever is said or seen, the student must note down information that appears to be meaningful. This allows for the process of elaborative rehearsal; one connects the oncoming information with what they readily know (O’Brien Moran, 2014). When recording notes, the student performs elaborative rehearsal ensuring that the new material is meaningful when it is first received and so is easier to store. At the same time, the pro...

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O’Brien Moran, M. (2012). Introduction to university (4th Ed.). Canada: Pearson.
O’Brien Moran, M. (Wednesday, May 7 2014). Note-taking [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from University of Manitoba Desire to Learn Portal.
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