The Future Of Higher Education: The Future Of Technology

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The future of higher education is predicted by many to be highly digitized. The amount of technology used in this era: 100%. Everything will be based off of technology. Textbooks. Classrooms. Internet. These will all be digitized in higher education in the next 30 years. All textbooks will be online. But who would need those anyways? The technology company, Google, has introduced a brain chip that could possibly eliminate the need for an educational system. This is how it is explained, “This is a chip that users can implant in their brain that will search the internet the moment you think of something. The chip has the power to find information even before a user know he or she want the information” (Lake 1). Remember Sandra? The brain chip …show more content…

This brain chip that Sandra was using earlier could be the very thing that replaces education as everyone knows it. This Google Brain Chip and MOCCs will create an education foreign to everybody. MOCCs are massive open online courses. These are what are starting to take over traditional education systems. There will be no certain calendar year for higher education or set classroom. A well-known comparison to MOOCs is, “Think of it as the academic equivalent of binge viewing on Netflix. Some students could sail through a semester’s worth of classes in a few weeks and then start again with new courses” (Kahn 3). This new system could let students get their degrees at their own pace. This will create a more diverse system of education that is more personalized. The future of education will be solely online. Technology will be the basis of all future students’ knowledge. There will be no physical textbooks. There will be no physically going to college. No moving out of the house. No more living in dorms. These things will all cease to exist when education changes. But will everyone be on board with this new …show more content…

Looking through their online textbook, they find a funny fact. Sandra laughs and says to her friend, Laura, “Haha, omg this is so funny. It says here in the textbook that people in the 1970’s used to have to handwrite all their papers and carry huge textbooks around and they had to sit in big classrooms and listen to a teacher all day! That would have been awful!” Laura looks at Sandra through their hologram and says, “Yeah, I guess. I feel like that would have been a lot easier though.” Sandra gives her a look of disbelief and claims, “No, it would not have Laura. You would have looked up every answer by hand and wrote all your papers by hand. Technology has made education so much better because it lets us get our papers done when we want.” Although Laura disagrees with Sandra, she goes along with it, “Yeah, I guess. I am glad that they started using technology in education, or I would have hated

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