The Future of Books in Today's Society

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A book a day keeps the doctor away. Isn’t that how the saying goes? Maybe not, but everyone knows that reading’s definitely good for you. Although, finding a bookstore near you may be tougher these days, the readers experience while reading is no longer limited to paperbacks and hard covers. “A book is a literary composition that is published or intended for publication containing a set of printed, illustrated or blank sheets made of ink, paper parchment or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side.” (Oxford English Dictionary 12th Edition). While thousands of paper books are published today, the digital world is slowly taking over these versions of reading with E-books or other digital forms. The term E-book is a reduction of ‘Electronic Book’; it refers to a book length publication in a digital form that can be available through Internet also. This innovation is causing many to debate whether E-books are a burden or a blessing on society. The movement from the oral tradition to the printed words was one of the biggest advancements of all times, the question remains if the movement from printed words to E-books is as revolutionary.

Books have been the storehouses of information and knowledge since the printing press and it’s worth our time to inform our selves what the future of our learning will be. “Today, roughly 40-50,000 books are published commercially each year in the English language. But the number is rapidly rising, as traditional barriers to entry are fading away.” ("Polemic: how readers will"). Since the development of E-Books in 2011 a massive amount of books have been published on the Internet. Forbes calls the present time evolution of books a “transition period”. Due to the high progression and qu...

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is-texass-all-digital-library-really-the-future-of-books>. informs about

library in texas that is only electronic

Umar, Somia, SU. "The Future of Printed Books in the Digital Age." Study Mode.

android, 6 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. essays/The-Future-Of-Printed-Books-In-39052789.html>. writer predicts

the future of printed books.

Zorba. "Ebooks Save Millions of Trees: 10 Ideas For Sustainable Publishing."

E Publishers. E publishers, 28 Sept. 2009. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

ebooks-save-millions-of-trees-10-ideas.html>. This article, about

sustainable publishing, provides an overview of the environmental benefits

of ebooks, and offers ideas and resources for reducing print publishing's

environmental impact.

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