The Fundamental Diffferences Between The Black Abolitionists And The White Abolitionists Movements

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Termpaper Class: African American Study IV Subject: Analyzing the Fundamental Differences Between the Black Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements Black and white abolitionists shared common assumptions about the evil of slavery, the "virtue of moral reform", and the certainty of human progress"(1). Schor, Garnet,1877, & Lanngston, 1989). This shared understanding provided "the basic for the interracial solidarity" and cooperation so vital in the crusade against slavery"(2). (Schor and Garnet, 1877). But blacks also brought a distinct perspective to the antislavery movement. Their abolitionism was shaped profoundly by their personal experience and racial oppression. Unlike most white abolitionists, they conceived of antidlavery as an all-encompassion struggle for racial equality, and they took a more pragramatic, less doctrinaire approach to antislavery tactics. The contrast between the two abolitionists -- black and white -- become increasingly apparent in the 1840s and 1850s as black expressed a growing militancy, asserted greater independence, and called for racially exclusive organization and initiatives. But despite patriotic statement and vigorous public against colonization, there was a greater margin among black abolitionists and white who claimed to be abolitionists alike black people. In 1833 sixty reformers from eleven northern gathered in Philadelphia, creating an antislavery movements named American Antislavery Society (AASS). Its immediate goal was to end slavery without compensation for slaves oweners and rejected violence and the used of force. People involved were Quakers, Protestant clergymen, distinguished reformers, including three blacks by the names of Robert Purvis, Jame... ... middle of paper ... .... P.J. Staudenraus: The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York, NY, 1961 C. Peter Riply at el.: African American Voices on Race, Slavery, and Emnancipation. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill & London, 1993, pp15-37. Carter G. Woodson: Negro Orators ansd Their Orations (New York, NY, 1925) and The Mind of the Negro (Washington, DC., 1926). Benjamin Quarles: Black Abolitionists, London, 1969. Robert C. Dick: Black ProtestL Issues and Tactics, Wesport, Conn., 1974 Benjamin Quarles: Frederick Douglas. Washington, DC., 1948. William F. McFeely: Frederick Dougles. New York, NY, 1990. Lawrence J. Friedman: Gregarious Saints: Self and Community in American Abolitionists, 1830-1870. Cambridge, Mass., 1982. Russell B. Nye: Fettered Freedom: Civil Liberties and the Slavery Controversy, 1830-1860. East Lansing, Mich., 1949

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