Functional Paradigm and YouTube

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YouTube plays a very multi source-full part as a cyberspace activity. It is a video conveying website. Anyone can visit the website; you can upload videos, watch them, even share them on this same website as your own, or share a link with other people on other cyber sites. Millions of videos get recorded, uploaded and shared everyday even as you are reading this; a wide number of people are paying their daily visit to this simple yet satisfying cyber site. It is very simple to operate, as opposed to why it has so many viewers every day, and the numbers of viewers keep increasing. It is always up to date and something new is always trending on the main page. It is like a visual aid, there are videos available from homework help, cooking, traveling and even fashion sense. It is basically a lively version of google.
This cyber site has helped improve lives and plays as a few checks out of a checkbook for some of the popular You Tubers. You Tubers are known as those who make videos and post them as a routine. Some of them become popular depending on what the video consist of and how many views the video gets, some even go viral. Those that are favorite by many and have plenty subscribers tend to get paid for their videos as a real job, and from here different popular video artist start to collaborate together for the enjoyment of their viewers and expanding to a broader audience, so more people can connect.
What you don’t get to see on TV while it is playing live, you can watch here. Say if it is the first time a person wants to try something, they can go to You Tube, where there will be plenty of videos of others already posting up their experiences, so from there two people can connect. Groups of people share their ideas in these v...

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...people do a certain activity and encourage others by challenging them to do the same task, record it and upload it as well. “Durkheim believes that human investment into the creation and maintenance of society is what separates humans from the other animals; society is what makes a human “human” (Delaney p.67) Through these videos we see of how much we are capable of and the different things each individual can construct and what can become when a group forms of the similar activity.

Works Cited

Delaney, Tim. "Emile Durkheim." Classical and contemporary social theory: investigation and application. Boston: Pearson Education, 2014. 66-67. Print.
Sharif, Syra. “Is YouTube a Good or Bad Influence on Society?”. PolicyMic, Mic Network Inc, 6 May 2012. Web 02 Feb.2014.
Vorhaus, Mike. 2007. “Who’s Really Viewing YouTube.” Advertising Age 78 (7, February 12): 18.

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