Freedom: A Narrative Fiction

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“Name” the stern looking man behind a titanium floor bound desks says as he grabs one of many resistant bangles resting in a very transparent box beside him as I take my very few steps towards the desk. “Jacks silversmith” I say back with a hesitant voice as the man aggressively grabs my right hand wrist and pulls it closer to strap the very restricted bangle around my not so equally small tickled for a quick second before the excruciating sharp shooting pain sprinted throughout my body. It had felt like a high voltage electric shock. The pain had left my body unresponsive for a couple of seconds. “Done. Next! “The man shouts as he demands the old grey haired woman behind me to take her turn to be abused without consent “good luck” I whisper to the grey haired high cheek boned lady as I walk slowly past her. ”Thank you child” the woman says back as she grabs my right hand making my head turn towards her direction as she places her other hand on my left cheek. “God will save us one day my child” she says looking directly into my eyes I stare back I can almost feel the pain in her glossy chocolate coloured eyes filling up with sheds of tears. “Lady Hurry up I haven’t got all day” the Lifo officer perched behind the desk shouted towards us. I garb her chilled hand, which is resting in my palm “thank you lady” I, say with genuine thanks for the kindness of her words as I turn to walk out of the building. The resistant bangles are a new government experiment. They can check when you wake up, whom you speak to on your telecommunications, who you’re with. It is a law that every citizen of luzbicon has a bangle anyone who does not cooperate with this law are treated like criminals and are imprisoned. I walk out of the central of ... ... middle of paper ... ...perfectly thin finger like branches each holding emerald coloured summer leaves almost like holding precious gold. I make my way to the golden pathway. A double path for comers and goers leading into the hope buildings surroundings and leading out into the city.I take my backpack off my aching shoulders and unzip my front compartment to retrieve my gloscitor and throw it into the air to activate it. A gloscitor is a hoverboard made from governments most advance uses a person’s deoxyribonucleic acid to activate it for use it can hover five feet tall and can reach maximum speeds of thirty miles per hour. As I mount myself upon my board and prepare myself to set off I hear a voice shout “freedom and peace jacks freedom and peace” it was higgot reminding me what it was exactly he was fighting for the last time I wave to him and jet off into the city.

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