Foreshadowing in Steinbeck´s of Mice and Men

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In Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, foreshadowing is used throughout the whole book and gradually preparing us for the tragic end by constantly hinting about the inevitable tragedy that awaits the pair, especially Lennie Small. In the beginning, the farm and the bond between George and Lennie presented to us is so beautiful yet strong. Foreshadowing already appears constantly in the first section of the book and Steinbeck stresses the doom that awaits the pair. The rabbits ran for cover immediately after the footsteps, hinting their American dream is getting away from them. We learn about Lennie’s deadly desire to stroke for soft things, and the dead mouse explains to us that the weak, innocent will not survive. The innocent soft things from mice to Lennie’s puppy all dies because of Lennie’s incapability to control his immense strength, which he has completely no idea how to control which makes him no less helpless than the animals he kills. George recounts the reason why they had to flee from the previous weed and we are made aware that similar ending will fall upon the one and only woman in the ranch-Curley’s wife. In section two, Carlson’s belief that Candy’s old, useless dog represents to us the reality of this cruel world-the strong shall survive and the weak are unworthy. We all know that Lennie has mental disability and hence he cannot escape from this reality likewise. Another new character Curley is introduced to us, we are made to realize underlying threat this character would give. The pair manages to avoid Curley by sticking even closer to each other than usual. However, the only character which has relationship with Curley appears to be even a bigger threat. She is Curley’s wife, the only female in the ranch. When we l... ... middle of paper ... ...l Lennie painlessly. Ultimately, George witnesses the end of their dream. George had finally understands the truth that dreaming in this world is only still a dream ultimately as Crooks’ said. Section six begins with a rich imagery and once again, the surroundings and environment is described beautifully similarly to section one. There happens to be the same snake on the same pool which was somewhere near where Lennie was told to hide when he was in trouble. This time however, the innocent is swallowed by a heron when he was unaware. The heron and the snake sadly mirrors upon the two major protagonists George and Lennie respectively. It foreshadows how Lennie’s death is nearing him and how he will die, unaware of what is happening. Exactly as Steinbeck foreshadowed, Lennie was shot at the back of the head by George whilst listening to their broken, and lost dream.

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