Flooding: Mold Remediation

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Flooding: More than Just Water Damage:

Assessing Methods of Mold Remediation and the Need for Urgent Remediation


In the floods of 2008 of Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, 1,400 homes were destroyed and caused about 750 million dollars in damage (1). When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, over 15 million people were affected and it caused 110 billion dollars in damage, the majority of the cost was directly the result of flood damage (2). Of these homes, approximately 46 percent had mold damage. 17 percent were considered to be heavily contaminated (3). The costs of these floods has been increasing each year as the population and development grows.

Flooding can cost families a great deal, however, the costs go beyond just property damages. Flooding creates the perfect conditions for growth of mold (warm, moist environments on nutrient rich wallboard or furniture). The resulting mold infestation can lead to medical problems that compound a family’s cost. Common symptoms from mold exposure range from non-specific symptoms (i.e. runny nose, watery eyes and cough) to greater respiratory issues (exacerbation of allergies and asthma, along with respiratory infections (4). Even worse, for those that are immunocompromised (children, elderly, HIV/AIDS, etc.) exposure of mold can lead to severe systemic infections (5).

Once mold begins to grow, it proliferates quickly; visible growth can begin in as little as 24 hours in perfect conditions. To most cost effectively curb cost of damage (both to homes and to health), mold infestations must be quickly remediated (3). Without rapid and complete mold remediation, the mold in flooded homes will spread and go deeper into the structure of thes...

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...Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2380268

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