First Impressions Of The New House

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The Lunn family stood still, like statues, in the driveway, where Mrs. Lunn's brother had left them. It was as if they were paralyzed, they did not expect at all that their new home would be like that one. Nothing moved. Not a single thing. You could only hear the gentle sound of the breeze, brushing against their skins and sending them chills on their spines. "Or did Dawkins lead us to the wrong house?" the oldest of the children, Jack, fifteen years said, breaking the silence of the damp night. "Maybe", Rose, thirteen years old croaked, "just maybe". "W-we should-well, but ain't the Mac'Alisters tell us that the driveway was large enough for three big Mercedes?" Mr. Lunn asked, flicking his eyes, which contained a glint of worry, from his family to the driveway. Poor Mrs. Lunn started to remember about how she thought her new home would be just a copy of the Royal Palace and the inside would be like in these old movies of the eighteenth century-made of rocks, old-fashioned, with big portraits hung everywhere, including the vast living room which would contain the coziest fire...

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