Finding a house with the Housing Authority

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Copping an application was the easy part. I filled it out and returned it to the receptionist. I asked, "What happens next?"

" You will be placed on a waiting list," she stated . Fearful of running out of time, I asked in concern,

"Well, how long is the waiting list?"

"At least twelve months," she answered without looking up from the monitor. I turned around to leave the building and get into my car. I just sat in the drivers sear with my hands on the steering wheel and I felt a tear run down my face and land in my lap. I started my car and drove away.

Now it was time to face reality and be strong for my sons. I picked my boys up from school and greeted them with a hug and a passionate smile. On the drive home, I inform them that I needed to talk to them about a life changing situation when we got home. At home, it's business as usual; we sat down at the kitchen table. Swallowing my pride, I began to speak, "Boys, I lost my job today." The room was silent. "Also, we have to move. I am not able to maintain a household without any income. We will be living at Granny's hou...

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