The Fight for What Is Right

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In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus demonstrated many heroic traits, much like Winston Churchill, who demonstrated heroic traits during his lifetime. In The Odyssey, Odysseus faced many obstacles, such as the sea monster Scylla on his journey to get back to his homeland of Ithaca. On his journey home, Odysseus was never afraid to put himself at risk when his ship and crew were in danger. Odysseus, an epic hero, and Winston Churchill, a human hero, demonstrated many admirable traits throughout their adventures and lives, such as courage and perseverance.
Throughout their complex lives both Odysseus and Winston Churchill demonstrated immense amounts of courage. When Odysseus was put up against the approaching danger of the Sirens, Odysseus tells his men “that I / alone should listen to their song. Therefore / you are to tie me up, tight as a splint” (693-695). The fact that Odysseus sacrificed himself to the Sirens’ voices indicated his courage as an epic hero because it means that Odysseus was brave and willing enough to bear the pain of the Sirens’ song. Winston Churchill als...

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