Essay On Fetishism

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When you hear the word “fetish” most people automatically think of something they would consider to be “weird” or “disgusting.” However, most people never stop to think of the origin of fetishes, why people engage in them, and how the people suffering from what is now called fetishistic disorder deal with their urges and feelings in their day to day lives. When put into perspective, fetishes are not what they seem and the people that have them are not so “strange” after all. The term “fetishism” first came to light in 1887. Psychologist Alfred Binet first presented the terminology to explain those that feel sexually attracted to inanimate objects. As the years passed, other psychologists such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Sigmund Freud …show more content…

Fetishes can also start once a person reaches adulthood, but this is rare. Most of the individuals with fetishes are men and the intensity of the need for the object or body part they enjoy can very. Some people like to enjoy their fetish rarely while others must have their fetish object present to have any form of sexual response. (Understanding Sexual Fetishes and Paraphilia’s , 2012, Sternberg, Rosalyn, …show more content…

Anthropophagolangia is the sexual attraction to raping and cannibalizing others. This can be in the form of actually committing these heinous crimes or just fantasizing about them. (What is Anthropophagolagnia?, One of the more known of the disturbing fetishes is pedophilia, or the attraction to pre-pubescent children. In recent years the United States and other countries has been cracking down of those that promote pedophilia in the way of child pornography. In September 2012, the FBI aided in the arrest of a man they called the “largest facilitator of child porn on the planet.” This single arrest has drastically reduced the amount of pedophilia material circulating the web. (Apparent U.S. Crackdown Cripples Dark Web’s Pedophile Communities, 2013 O’Neill, Patrick Howell, The Daily Dot) Erotophonphilia, also known as “lust murder” is when a person gets sexual pleasure from raping and murdering their victim. One of the most well-known suffers of this fetish was serial killer Jerry Brudos. Brudos. Brudos deep hatred for his mother formed his erotophonphilia. Although he was married with children; between the years of 1968 and 1969 he kidnapped, tortured, raped, and killed several young woman. In 1969 he was arrested and charged with the death penalty. ( Serial Killer – Jerry Brudos, Montaldo, Charles,

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