Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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Every year, about 40,000 babies are born with symptoms of prenatal alcohol exposure (Lupton, 2003). This number will only continue to grow if the risk of drinking alcohol while pregnant is not brought to the people’s attention. When the mother takes a drink of alcohol, so does the fetus, which will cause physical and behavioral problems after birth. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is completely preventable and irreversible. FAS awareness and prevention is important; expectant mothers need to know the background information about the syndrome, some common symptoms, signs, and treatments, and the mental and physical abnormalities that will occur because of this lifelong syndrome.

The term, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, was first described in 1973 after recognition of a specific patter of craniofacial, limb, and cardiac defects in unrelated infants born to alcoholic mothers. Since the term was developed, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has slowly become recognized as a public health issue. The first medical criterion for diagnosing fetal alcohol syndrome was developed seven years later, in 1980 (Watts, 2004).When the pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it easily passes through the placenta to the fetus. The placenta is the organ that develops during pregnancy and provides the fetus with nutrients he needs to develop. That means when the mother has a glass of wine, so does the fetus. Alcohol breaks down much more slowly in the baby’s body than in the adult’s, so the baby is intoxicated longer than the mother. This is very dangerous and can cause lifelong damage.

Drinking alcohol stunts the baby’s growth. A baby may not be growing properly if he's not getting the oxygen and nutrient he needs to thrive. If the baby stops growing before birth an intrauterin...

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...ction. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002469/

• Johnson, A. (2011, September 08). Alcohol’s risk to fetus is long term, health advocates warn. Columbus Dispach. Retrieved from http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/09/08/alcohols-risk-to-fetus-stressed-as-long-term.html

• Jones, K. (2012). Fetal alcohol syndrome. Retrieved from http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/alerts/l/blnaa13.htm

• Lupton, C. (2011, December 11). The financial impact of fetal alcohol syndrome. Retrieved from http://fasdcenter.samhsa.gov/index.cfm

• Storck, S. (2010, March 21). Alcohol and pregnancy. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007454.htm

• Watts, R. (2004, March 09). The frightening irony of fetal alcohol syndrome. Times Colonist,

• Zolotova, E. (2011, November 2011). Dashed hopes; damaged lives. Fetal alcohol syndrome,

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