Fertility, Reproduction Decision-Making and Education: Case Studies

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• Reproductive decision-making depends with the married couple and other members of their extended family and ancestry members. On the other hand, the outcome of the decision on family size depends on the woman because she is accountable in caring for the children of the marriage. In conclusion, family planning programs and reproductive health issues and services have been focused exclusively to women (Nukunya, 1992). • The highest fertility age is in the range of 25-44 and the couples were in their foremost working ages. It reveals that the highest percentage of the believers and users of Family planning was in the age range of 25-34 thus making them the main clients of the family planning program among the general population of the province (David Cabriles, 1981) • The study performed in Guttmacher Institute entitled “Contraceptive Use in the United States” utters that a higher percentage of married that of never-married women utilize a contraceptive method (77% vs. 42%). In conclusion, married women are more expected to be sexually active. And also, those at risk of unplanned preg...

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