Feminism: The Civil Rights Movement and Women's Rigths

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Change in America is uncommon, definitely when relating with women’s rights. Women’s rights seem to be a war already won (Hass); however what Americans do not realize is the war is nowhere near close to being over. ‘“Americans would want change once they learn of gender inequalities such as unequal pay”’ (Tran). Unequal pay is just one of the problems dealing with inequality. Feminism could fix these problems. Feminism has changed America small amounts at a time. As years go by, feminism continues to change American society and the way women are treated. Thus, feminism could be the change America needs.

The problem with feminism is people do not understand what exactly it is. They mistake it for women complaining about sexism. The definition of feminism is “the theory of the political economic, and social equality of the sexes; organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interest,” whereas, the definition of sexism is “prejudice or discrimination based on sex; behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex” (“Merriam”). Feminism does associate with sexism. Feminism is the branch of sexism that focuses on women’s rights.

“Women have every constitutional right men have,” but these rights are not all enforced (Wachter).White men were born with rights, but women and African Americans were not. At the same time the Civil Rights Movement was going on, the Women’s Liberation Movement was happening too. Women were gaining their rights along with African Americans. The fight was long and hard, but they won their rights. They were given their right to vote and the chance for better jobs.

This time period became a battle not only between African Americans and White Americans but between ...

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... April 2014. http://www.nomas.org/node/122

Mandle, Joan D. “How Political Is the Personal?, Identity Politics, Feminism, and Social Change.” WMST-L.Web. 31 March 2014. • https://userpages.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/identity_pol.html

Marek, Angie. “Victory In Defiance.” U.S. News and World Report 28 June 2004: 48. Print.

Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam- Webster, Incorporated, 2001. Print.

“Modern Feminism.”U.S. History.Independence Hall Association, 2014.Web. 1 April 2014. www.ushistory.org/us/57a.asp

Tran, Quynh. “Feminist Icon Keeps Fighting For Change: Steinem Says Women Have Come a Long Way, But They Still Have Further To Go In Attaining Full Equality.” Contra Costa Times.18 March, 2007: Print.

Wachter, Blythe. “Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly Criticizes Feminism In Eav Claire Stop.” Leader- Telegram (2011): Web.

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