The Features of Conformity and Obedience

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The Features of Conformity and Obedience


Debra Gray defines conformity as “A change in behaviour in response to

real or imagined group pressure when there is neither direct request

to comply with the group nor any reason to justify the behaviour

change”. Conformity is the degree to which members of a group will

change their behaviour, views and attitudes to fit the views of the

group. The group can influence members via unconscious processes or

via overt social pressure on individuals.

Influence by peers: People have the need to fit in with the society

not many people dare to be different. Psychologists have discovered

that even the most independent-minded of us will conform to social

pressure when we are with a group of people

Emphasis on importance: People see being accepted by others and the

sense of belonging as something much more important than actually

being right or wrong in a situation. It can sometimes be easier for

somebody to be wrong but like everyone else than being right but

different to others. I personally believe that this is wrong though, I

would rather express my views on something regardless of the

controversy they may cause.

Regulates behaviour: The fact that people want to be alike and to be

able to relate to others makes it easier for their personal views to

be manipulated by the group norm, sometimes, a look of disapproval can

be enough for someone to keep their viewpoints quiet and decide to

agree with the majority. This is a worrying thought as if we loose our

individuality we will never grow as much as we could as if we let our

own thoughts be heard, we would end up in a very narrow minded society

where a few people with stronger personalities and that dare to speak

their mind will most probably gain control over us all, and society

will follow this leader who may not necessarily be the most adequate

like a flock of sheep would not questioning the situation or making a

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