Favorite Scenes from the Color Purple

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What would it be like to live in a world where you don’t have any say in what goes on in your own life? While The Color Purple doesn’t ask think question directly it really causes its viewers to begin to wonder what it would have been like to live in the world that Alice Walker creates with her novel. In this story the main character is Celie. She is a black woman who never has had a choice in her life. From a young age her father abused her and then sent her off to marry a man who he did not know at all. Her father also got her pregnant two times and both times her forced her to give away her children. Mister was just as abusive as her father had been to her and she was still never given a choice. This begins to change as she meets people in the story like Shug and Sofia. Both Shug and Sofia are strong willed women who don’t let men control their lives because they have their own agendas and they will not let people get in the way of that. One of the hardest things that she has to face is her sister Nettie leaving her because Mister kicked her out of his house. After this Celie is basically alone and she doesn’t hear from Celie again for a long time because Mister always gets the mail and he will not let Celie go and get the mail. Throughout the story you see how Celie is constantly shut down, but one day she gets the courage to stand up for herself and it is one of the turning points in the story. With a story as dramatic and powerful as this one there are a lot of scenes that impact viewers as the watch the movie. There are so many pivotal moments that change the story that you almost have to watch it twice just to pick up on everything. In The Color Purple by Alice Walker my three favorite scenes are when Shug and Celie begin ...

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... the beginning for a change in Celie. The last time Sofia stands up for herself in this novel is my favorite scene because it shows how powerful she was and even though it ends bad, Alice Walker teaches people something by it. . Being able to keep your cool in certain situations is something that would be very tough when faced with many of the situations that appear in this story because they address issues that go so deep. This is my favorite scene because it shows the strength of Sofia. The best scene in The Color Purple is when Celie stands up for herself and leaves Mister. I just love the fact that she is finally going after what she wants and won’t let anyone get in her way. She has gone through so much that I am glad she finally chose to get something good out of her life rather that just heartache and pain. This is why this is my favorite scene from the movie.

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