Family Structure

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A family is made up of two or more people, related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing in the same home. Society’s definition of ‘family’ is expanding and includes single parents, blended families, unrelated individuals living cooperatively, and homosexual couples, among others. Unfortunately, family guidelines have been slow to catch up to changing trends in modern lifestyles (Crawford, 1999). The complex family, or a family structure involving more than two adults, was prevalent before the industrial revolution. The primary component in traditional society was the group, not the individual. Individuals functioned as part of groups in such a way that their lives were greatly influenced by the group even more so than by their own individual beliefs. The most important group had always been the family, which include a broad sense of association even among those family members living in separate residences. In addition, social groups, clubs and associations were instrumental in providing a feeling of China and India have achieved extraordinary rates of economic growth and poverty decline. Together, these countries make up over a third of the world’s population. The surfacing of China and India as chief forces in the global economy has been one of the most significant economic developments of the past quarter century. Both are large geographically and have massive populations that remain very underprivileged. Many details of their economic growth experiences are in fact quite dissimilar. China stands out for the explosive growth in its industrial segment, which in turn was fueled by China’s willingness to act more quickly and aggressively to lower its trade barriers and to draw foreign investment. In contrast, Ind... ... middle of paper ... ...kets. Their economic systems subdued growth and left both countries in poverty. In 1980, per capita income stood at $556 in China and $917 in India (Department of State, 2010). To boost their economies, China and India shifted strategies, letting private enterprise prosper and opening markets to foreign trade and investment. The revised policies have led to speedy economic development. China’s per capita income has grown an average of 8.4 percent a year since 1995, climbing to $4,766. India’s 5 percent average annual growth has raised per capita income to $2,534 (Department of State, 2010). China and India made great economic strides because low labor costs improved their competitiveness in the global market. Today’s rising wages and prices weaken their cost advantages, suggesting they can’t be the world’s low cost producers forever. Nor should they want to be.

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