False Impression vs The Brethren Comparative Essay

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Comparative Essay In this essay, a comparison between the novels False Impression, and The Brethren will be made. Although the authors captivate their audience with compelling quotes and facts about the characters, their sudden turn to misleading statistics sometimes failed to persuade the reader that what he is saying is true about some characters. In the book False Impression, the author shows how anybody who wants something bad enough will go and get it, even if it means murder. Anna Petrescu is running around the world to save her life. She has worked at Fenston finance for 2 years now and she’s finally figuring out that every couple months, people are slowly being murdered. These people are being murdered because of an impression painting by Van Gogh. Anna is now seeing that she is being followed by men who work for Fenston finance and she is soon being run around the world for a painting that has been in Anna’s family forever. This part of the book shows that people, especially people with power, will do anything to get what they want. Bryce Fenston murders innocent people to get what he wants. Comparatively, in the book The Brethren, there are three former southern judges, serving time together in a federal prison for various bad deeds, which have taken away their freedom and their status in the community. However, inside the prison, they continue to practice law without a license, and concoct a blackmail scheme that begins making them some money, that is, until they bag a powerful 'mark’ that could jeopardize everything. When they are planning this scheme they are not aware of how many people they could hurt, or even kill. A quote from the book backs this up. “Who cares about how many people are killed; its how much money we get in the end”. (pg. 129) Mystery books are easy to predict the unfolding of. In False Impression, it was very easy to predict the ending because, in the story, there were only bad guys and good guys. The good guys always win in mysteries because that’s what the reader wants to happen. Half way threw the book, I could automatically tell what was going to happen to Anna and Bryce Fenston. Even through Anna had to overcome big struggles and dodge getting killed, she fought threw it and came out winning. Bryce, on the other hand, was fired,

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