F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby, a highly acclaim American novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, entails the demise of the American dream by means of drawing a parallel between Jay Gatsby, a character whom covers his inner qualities with the idealistic characteristics of the rich during the Roaring Twenties in order to obtain the affection go the beloved and deeply flawed Daisy. Regrettably, throughout his conquest for Daisy’s affection, Gatsby falsely presumes that through his accumulation of wealth he will be able to acquire his deeply embedded desires for happiness, which mainly revolve around his acquisition of Daisy Buchanan. Eventually, Gatsby’s wealth ultimately results in his cataclysmic demise, as it is unable to provide him Daisy’s unconditional and boundless love, social acceptance, and personal integrity.

To begin, Gatsby falsely expects that Daisy’s affection will be ensured through his ability to provide security, luxury, stability, and materialistic wealth, thereby inspiring him to embark on a quest for her affection through hosting lavish and decadent parties and creating a visually display of his materialistic wealth. Firstly, Gatsby emerges from the depths of social oblivion by hosting ostentatious and often outrageous parties, which is merely a desperate attempt to attract the attention of Daisy Buchanan. Shortly following Nick’s acquaintance with Jordan Barker, she reveals Gatsby intentions of asking Nick to organize a “coincidental” meeting between himself and Daisy in order for them to recapture their previously love affair. Upon hearing this, Nick surprisingly acknowledges that “ The modesty of the demand shook me. He had waited five years and bought a mansion where he had dispensed starlight to casual moths so that he could ‘c...

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...is inner qualities through the idealistic characteristics of the rich during the Roaring Twenties (Sivaratnam, 1). Regrettably, Gatsby becomes unable to discern between his illusion and the reality of his bleak circumstances, therefore the greatest illusion Gatsby performed was on himself, rather than the audience. Similarly, we are all born alone and die alone, there is no question about that, but for a brief moment we can create the illusion that we’re not alone only thorough our friendship and love (Welles, 1).

Works Cited

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Gatsby http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/gatsby/canalysis.html http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/gatsby/themes.html http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/gatsby/summary.html https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080509123054AAFYbFc

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