Exploring the Origin of the Term "Heebie-Jeebies"

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The origin and birth place of the term “heebie-jeebies” is surprisingly a comic strip. However, the term did not start out spelled the same way it is now, instead of “heebie-jeebies” it was once spelled, “heeby jeebys”. Cartoonist Morgan “Billy” de Beck used the term in one of his cartoons featured in the New York American. Morgan’s cartoon character uttered, “You dumb ox - why don't you get that stupid look offa your pan - you gimme the heeby jeebys!” (New York American, 26th October, 1923) Soon after its appearance “heebie-jeebies” began to spread throughout the nation and even the world. Not long after the first appearance of the term did the “heebie-jeebies” start showing up in advertisements such as radio commercials, newspapers, and even in store windows. “Heebie-jeebies” began to mean more than a creepy feeling. Several advertisers used the term to describe a crummy sick feeling. “Have you got the heebie-jeebies? Don’t worry all you need is our LAXACOLD COLD BREAKERS!!!” (Mexia Daily News, October 1924) Sometimes the term was shortened to simply, “The Heebs” as in, “That ...

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