The Experience

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The Experience

Though famous psychologists such as Freud claim that early childhood shapes and molds who a person will become the person I interviewed did not have his life changing experience until his mid twenties. This is past the years of infancy, early, middle and late childhood even adolescence. He was a full fledged textbook adult when he experienced a pivotal moment in his life. Certain theories of personality claim that personality is stable, even temperament in infancy can help determine one’s future actions. Yet this event took place after any physiological developments were still taking place. This event caused him to reflect on life and change his actions in profound ways.

I interviewed my father. He is now 57 years old. He has advanced through college, medical school and the requisite to become an interventional cardiologist with no retirement in sight. He has three children, has been divorced and has remarried. Out of all the experiences that he could have said made an impact on his life he chose one that happened while he was in Medical School. It happened when in the midst of doing 3 days rounds with minimal to no sleep. Finally after being up for hours and hours on end, he had fallen asleep around 3 in the morning. Around this time a man had a nosebleed yet did not think anything of it. He had been nauseous and fatigued a day or two earlier but brushed it off as stomach flu and continued with his daily life. Yet as he was trying to hold the tissue to his nose his hands would not stop trembling. He felt his whole body begin to shake falling to floor in a seizure. His wife immediately called 911. Around 4 AM his ambulance arrived at the hospital. An Intern came to wake my father up to help with this patient. Th...

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