Evolution Theory and Christian Faith

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evolution teory and christian faith


The roots of evolutionist thinking appears contemporary with dogmatic belief that try hard to deny creation . The majority of the pagan philosophers in ancient Greece defended the idea of evolution . If we look at the history of philosophy , we will see that the idea of evolution has sustained many pagan philosophy .

But not this ancient pagan philosophy that has been instrumental in the birth and development of modern science , but faith in God .

In general, those who pioneered modern science believed in His existence . While studying science , they sought to discover the universe that has been created by God and reveal the laws and the details in his creation . Astronomy experts such as Leonardo da Vinci , Copernicus , Keppler and Galileo ; father of paleontology , Cuvier ; pioneer of botany and zoology , Linnaeus ; and Isaac Newton , which is dubbed as "the greatest scientist that ever existed " , all studied science believing not only the existence of God , but also that the entire universe is His creation .

1 . Albert Einstein , who is regarded as the greatest genius of our time , is a scientist who believes in God and declared , " I can not conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith . Proverbial : science without religion would be crippled . "

2 . One of the founders of modern physics , German physician Max Planck said that every person , who studied science in earnest , will be read at the palace gates science a word : " Believe " . Faith is an important attribute of a scientist .

3 . Theory of evolution is the materialist philosophy that surfaced with the reawakening of ancient materialistic philosophies ...

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...cept evolution because they conflict with the narrative story of the seven days of creation in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament , but later appeared also among the prominent writers of Islam eg turkey that Harun Yahya is melakukanpenolakanteorievolusiberdasarkanAl - Quran .

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Works Cited

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