European Conflict After World War II

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Besides the horrors of the two world wars, there was a war full of distinction for thirty years. For the three decades from the beginning of World War I to the year of Western Europe’s liberation, there were sights of a conflict that was invisible for all nations. Democracies were taken back, fascism was born, dictatorships were raised, and war was on the rise for the European continent. The year of 1914 was the beginning of the second Thirty Years War. Before the beginning of World War II, an unseen conflict occurred by some of the defeated Central Powers countries and victorious Allied Powers during World War I.
After ten years in the 1930s, dictatorial regimes rose for the coming of World War II. World War I victorious countries, Great Britain and France, remained democratic, but victorious Italy and defeated Germany failed to resist to political movement known as fascism. The victorious Soviet Union was under dictatorship, in others in moved toward repressive totalitarianism. Victorious Latin American countries adopted different kinds of authoritarian structures, but victorious Japan, as a militarist regime country, was moved down to the path of war. Enhanced by the spread of democracy in Europe, the postwar expansion of the electorate made mass politics a reality. Because of this, many postwar societies and class lines were badly divided. Governments were forced to make concessions to trade unions and socialist parties, which strengthened the working class after World War I; gender divisions weakened social cohesion; and the Great Depression deepened social conflict. The dictatorial regimes in war were presumed both old and new forms. Although dictatorship was already born in ancient times, but totalitarian state...

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...ll of distinction for thirty years occurred before and after the two horrifying world wars. From the beginning of World War I to the year of Western Europe’s liberation, there were sights of a three-decade conflict that was invisible for all nations. Democracies were taken back when dictatorships came to power because of the First World War; fascism was born by Benito Mussolini for imperial expansion; dictatorships were raised by Mussolini and Adolf Hitler to gain power, in order to change Italy and Germany; and war was on the rise for the European continent when the dictators rejected their peace promise with the Treaty of Versailles.

Sources Cited
Duiker, William J. Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History: Seventh Edition. Boston, M.A. 2013.

Italian Fascisms from Pareto to Gentile as in Duiker and Spielvogel.

Hitler and Nazi Germany as in Duiker and Spielvogel.

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