Ethics in Social Psychological Research

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Research which involves human participants who undergo uncomfortable circumstances can raise moral, social, and political concerns (Schwartz, 2001). This ensues a whole new field of research known simply as research ethics. Research ethics is generally interested in the analysis of ethical matters that arise when people are used as subjects in such studies. Research ethics requires the application of necessary ethical convention to a variety of topics involving any scientific study. There are quite a number of experiments brought to what is known as the Internal Review Board. The IRB 's sole purpose is to look at any and all experiment that must be taken with considerable amount of ... well, review before they can actually take place. There are commonly three purposes for those who research such ethics. The first purpose is to protect the well-being of the human participants in any study. The second is to ensure that research is lead in a way that serves the interests of man as a whole, and not just for one particular group of people. This allows for many societies around the world to be eligible to benefit from any findings. Finally, the third purpose is to examine key research activities and tasks for their ethical integrity (Rivera, Borasky, Rice, & Carayon, 2001). Such as securing a person's consent for the study. Ensuring the confidentiality of the experiments and the subjects. As well as debriefing the subjects after the experiment has finally come to a close. The researchers themselves must know that they are the ones who carry the responsibility of ensuring that they have permission and must look after the well-being of all of the people who partake in any study. Researchers in addition must not abuse their findings.


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Pensar, R. L. (2009). Irb guidebook (Adobe Acrobat), Retrieved from

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Schwartz, J. (2001). Ethical and policy issues in research involving human participants [Volume II]. Retrieved from

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