Ethical Issues in Global Trading

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Modern economic activities are global. Businesses are multinational or looking into expanding globally. There are some businesses that are localized but these businesses are not in isolation with the international community. These businesses do get impacted by what happens in another country thousands of miles away. Many of the ethical issues in global trade are the direct result of varied political, legal economic growth and culture around the world. In parts of the world business practices would also vary. What would be normal in one region of the world or a country could easily be considered unethical or even illegal. In this paper, I will attempt to discuss what should be the norm for international business and optimal resolution for ethical dilemmas that all multinational organizations should adhere to as part of its normal conduct of business. Furthermore, I will discuss how to resolve the dilemma around fair wages paid to its employees, keeping the organization sensitive to various international cultures it operates in and to not let any local corruption and bribery shadow the good efforts and image of the organization. Many times the working conditions of a host nation are clearly inferior to those in multinational’s home nation. Multinational operations frequently raise a question on which standards should be applied – host or home nations? Additional questions also arise on what causes managers to behave unethically and what managers can do to incorporate ethical considerations into their decision making. Literature Review Absolutism versus Relativism The absolutist position is that business ought to be conducted in the same way the world over with no double standards. When in Rome, do as you would a... ... middle of paper ... ...or the betterment of humanity and environment. It is expected to provide charity and benevolence to the community in which it operates. Historically, a few multinationals have abused its power for private gain. Take for example the East India Company of the British. It had warships, a standing army and thus a defacto ruler of India. Some countries will hire protection from rebels when doing business in a hostile country. This protection will come in the form of providing not only money but also weaponry. Power itself is neutral but how it is used is relevant. It could be used positively for social welfare or for private gains at any cost. What to do in Rome Multinational should not adopt double standards. Morally relevant differences Conditions in developed countries would expectedly be different from developing or underdeveloped nations.

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