Essentials Of Argument

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Upon considering this assignment, many ideas have developed and then been re-developed to address the points that are the desired outcome. The opportunity to have one’s personal thoughts considered and applied for persuasive analysis over any academic achievement deserves much thought. Additionally, to reflect upon each assignment, provide honest analysis, and determine the real worth as personally valued, is not as easy as one may think. As with any subjective process, it is necessary to explore many avenues to ascertain the best evidentiary route. In development of such a task, one must tread carefully upon the waters of rhetoric. One most balance attempting to isolate the situation at hand, yet, avoid ad misericordiam. However, as Professor Lloyd Bitzer points out, “A rhetorical situation has five elements” (Bitzer 27). While exploring the exigence of this topic, the constraints and the author require additional expansion as motives, and values of the author are of importance. Additionally, the circumstances, events, and people (emphasis added), play an important role as it pertains to the constraints (Wood 28). To paraphrase, it is about people. It is also about our interactions, our active engagement in dialogue and concepts believed, possibly redefined. Upon exploring these concepts, emphasis in the area of people is of prominence. Such as recalling a conversation upon the departing of a class in which two students share a moment of motorcycle enthusiasm. A mere offering of advice can turn into a lifelong flash of regret. The utterance of “Out of all my friends, I am the only one that never went down on a bike, that’s why I gave them up— so be careful.” just seem so inappropriate as things turned out. In regards to the cur...

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...and I have written persuasive arguments. I can almost cringe at the idea that I never really ever considered the other side, addressed the other side, or even cared about the other side. When I reflect back on some major writing assignments in my career, I now think of what my audience thought reading what I now would label propaganda. Therefore, I consider what I will take away from this class, which is future writing success, and worth an “A.”

Works Cited

Bitzer, Professort Lloyd. "The Rhetorical Situation" -Essentials Of Argument -Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education , Inc., 2009.

NASA. NASA Study finds increasing Solar Trend. 2003. 15 June 2011 .

Wood, Nancy V. Essentials Of Argument-Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc., 2009.

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