wedding homily

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Theme: The marriage bond is sacred so they become one flesh.
Purpose: To motivate Pamela and Robert to share the joy of the love of a Christian marriage.

Today is a big day, a day of joy in the lives of Pamela and Robert. We recently met and shared with them their experiences in their courtship. I have lived this process with Roberto and Pamela for the past 6 months. Over the past three years they have become great friends. Their story is interesting ... Who knew it would all began with Pamela skills. She, as Good Samaritan, gave the first aid to this gentleman when he had an accident while working in a landscaping project. Roberto fell and severely sprained his ankle. Robert, as an educated man insisted to take Pamela to dinner as a Thank You gesture for her nursing services. She declined, but he persisted. Finally, she accepted. Since their first date, Pamela and Robert have enjoyed each other's company. They share a common love for music. Pamela and her daughter Rosie have learned shore fishing with Robert. Love was born in their hearts. Today they want to express this love freely, taking the step to marriage here at the church as Christians, to receive the blessing of God.
We have heard how Jesus once attended a wedding sharing the joy and happiness of the couple. Jesus shared the joy of the bride and groom in Cana of Galilee and today also He wants to share the joy and celebration of your love. Jesus shares all our dreams, hopes, and joys. All the desire for happiness and plenitude, the hope for starting a new home ... is shared and blessed by God. Today there are two whole families coming together to create a new family, a new marriage.
Marriage is a divine institution. The marriage is permanent and sacred between man and w...

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...ela are serious about living a generous love, which always seeks the good and happiness of the beloved, a love capable of sacrifice and forgiveness. I know that Mary, the Mother of Robert must be praying the rosary for her daughter-in-law, Pamela, and her son, Robert, for this new marriage to remain in the faith. As a Salvadoran matriarch, María will be watching that her future grandchildren will be baptized and educated in the Church, and for Rosei to have siblings.
Family lets pray for our brothers who join their lives today. Pamela and Robert let God really join your hearts and your lives. He will be your witness at the ceremony of the rings, which, as a symbolic act of love and fidelity, you will make later. May Jesus Christ bless you. May your love be fruitful and welcome children as a gift from God. And may you fell always accompanied by the presence of Jesus.

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