the price of farmland in iowa

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In this report, I will detail the factors that contribute to the price of farmland in Iowa. Agriculture plays an essential role in the economy of this state. As one of the top soybean and corn producers in the United States, an understanding of the cost of land correlates to the cost of these crops……
There is currently a “boom” in the price of farmland in Iowa. However, this is not the first time the cost per acre of farmland has seen an increase. There were two prior events that also greatly affected the price of Iowan farmland. These events occurred in the early 1920s and the early 1980s. Upon examining these former “Golden Eras in Agriculture,” we can begin to learn more about the causes of price fluctuations.
The first golden era of agriculture was attributed to a rise in the value of corn. Corn grows very well in the Iowa soil and the price of land followed the trend of the price of corn. According to the United States Department of Agriculture statistics, Iowa farmland values increases from $44 an acre to $255 and acre from 1900 to 1920. The second golden era of agricu...

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