the club - character differences

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The differences between characters can often be shown using dialogue. David Williamson uses dialogue effectively in ‘The Club’, to show the different personalities and desires of the characters. Ali G is a great example of how dialogue can be used to show the differences between characters when he interviews English soccer star David Beckham.

In many interviews, television shows, movies, novels, and performance scripts, dialogue is used to show the different personalities of characters. In ‘The Club’ David Williamson uses colloquialism, slang, clichés, anecdotes, idiomatic expressions, satire, sarcasm and irony to show the different personalities and desires of the characters Ted, Jock, Gerry, Laurie, Danny and Geoff.

Teds repetitiveness is used to show that he feels anxious and insecure about approaching and handling situations. ‘…it’s much better to stay cool. Don’t you think so? Better to stay cool?’ is a perfect example of how Williamson uses this repetitiveness. The dialogue also shows his autocratic manner when he says ‘To hell with the players and suppoerters. The committee’s where the power is.’. Williamson uses this dialogue to show Teds personality compared to the other characters.

Jock is made to stand out as a verbose, judgemental, insecure, egotistical and small-minded character. He is always insulting others, ‘you mongrel’, ‘the bloody little upstart’, and ‘a young smart arse’ are all common examples of this. Williamson makes Jock appeal physically intimidat...

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