technological thinkers

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As time progresses, more and more advances in technology are coming about. These advances are readily placing information at the hands of the consumer. People are relying on the internet and technological advances for things that used to be only completed manually. As a result many people argue that these advances are adhering to society’s desire to be lazy but, researchers are finding the exact opposite. Our minds are literally changing and the way we think about information is becoming simpler. We are becoming a more developed and analytical society because of the growing use of technology. This growing technological age is creating a generation of people that use their minds in a different and more productive ways than they did before the technological rise.

The growing use of the internet is rapidly changing the way people think for the better. Nicholas Carr stated, in his essay “Is google making us stupid?”, that the human brain is like an old computer and the internet is our new and improved hard drive (58). When we use the internet for our database for information we are allowing ourselves to expand our knowledge in a more efficient way than before. As a result we are “updating our hard drives” and allowing our minds to receive new information in different ways. Carr proceeded to state that the use of the internet is no longer just for convenience but to adhere to new ways that people think (63). With the coming of the technological age many people are thinking about information in ways they never have before. 30 years ago, in order to gain information on a subject we had to search through encyclopedias and hope that the information we needed to find was given. Now we are finding that the information is just a click a...

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...ight and with mental breaks such as using the internet we are able to rest our minds and return to the project with more overall productivity.
We have found that not only is the internet making us a more productive society but it is also making us a more analytical society. Through the internet we now have much quicker access to information that at one point was tedious to obtain. People are also growing to have much shorter attention spans but are using the short amount of time we have to focus to get more work done. Along with shorter attention spans we have also gained more analytical minds. Studies have found that due to the way our minds work now we need mental breaks and the internet provides one of the quickest and most simple ways to achieve these breaks. Technological advances have given people more opportunities to use their intelligence in different ways.

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